How to defeat Satan: We do not defeat devil/Satan by knowing his tricks, we defeat him by knowing God.
Now, this is gonna be your first time to come across this insight, and I bet it is gonna make you a winner more than you ever imagined. I am gonna be slow on this and make sure you get the message right from His word; the Bible.
Many people have come up with books, DVDs, CDs, audios, and other resourceful materials explaining about hell, Satan, Illuminati issues, satanic clothes, satanic restaurants, satanic songs, satanic actions, satanic people, and even satanic body languages, symbols, and words, all in the great move to explain the complexity of the tricks used by Satan to win over us, the Christians, I mean the people.
But in my opinion, I do not think we should go all those heights trying to explain who Satan is and how he presents, we should instead go such heights and even more trying to make God and His marvelous power known and accessible to people.
What does the Bible say about this?
The bible's say
In the Bible, there is a story of a sick boy who was under attack by evil spirits. His father brought the boy to Jesus only to find Jesus was gone and his disciples had to take control. According to this story, the disciples of Jesus failed to chase the evil spirit until Jesus came back and did the work.
Later, they asked their master why they could not chase away the evil spirit, and Jesus answer was marvelous. According to Mark 9:29, Jesus said to them; "That kind of spirit can only be forced out by prayer". In Matthew 17:20, Matthew records Jesus' answer too; "because your faith is too small. I tell you the truth, if your faith is as big as a mustard seed, you can to this mountain, 'Move from here to there’s, and it will move. All things will be possible for you" (New Century Version)
Come close to God and devil will flee from you
Our God does not ask us to defeat the devil, push him away and all his actions and then come to God, no, God asks us to come to Him first and He will push the devil away through us and even for us. All that the disciples needed was faith, concentrated prayer and union with their God, and those other things would sort themselves out. How many times are we worried about the devil, instead of feeling safe and protected under the faith we have in God?
We do not have to master the devil's plans and works, that is not our Job. Our job is to master our God's master plan and stick onto it and the inevitable end is the defeat of the evil one.
Look at Joshua, God asked them not to mind about the strength of the wall (wall of Jericho) or the mighty warriors behind it, but He asked them to do the walking. And as long as they adhered to God’s plan, surely things worked out (Joshua 6:2-5). Look at Moses, God did not ask them to master the tricks of Pharaoh and his army, He asked him (Moses) to put the stick in water and make a cross over. And it happened (Exodus 14). Even Jesus did not win over temptations because He knew who the devil was and his tricks, He knew the word of God; He understood well His own identity in relation to the Kingdom (Luke 4)
Everywhere in the Bible, we are asked to come closer to God through faith and then have the courage and passion to defeat evil. That is the right order. Read it yourself: "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded" (James 4:7-8, NIV). "Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings" (1 Peter 5:9).
In the above verses, it is clear that we can resist the devil by submitting to God, wash our hands of sins and evil by coming closer to God for it is God who makes everything possible and before we have God, we have no victory no matter how knowledgeable we could be.
Summing up the message
Whether it is the power over sin, devil himself or every wrong act, that you do not have, but God has. What should matter in our lives is how close we are to God and not how less sinful or how victorious we have been in the fight against the devil for it does not necessarily mean we are in the book of life. The Bible says that we should not be happy only because the demons have listened to us, but because our names are in the book of life (Luke 10:20).
We at times confuse such victories (though they are good also) with being righteous or having our names in the book of life, but our names in the book of life are as a result of our impeccable faith in the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
I am not saying we do not have to fight against the evil and his tricks, I am saying we need to fight only when commissioned by God for it is only when our victory counts. I am not saying we do not plan or realize the devil’s strategy, I am simply saying we can do that better by just being in Christ. Let us look at what the psalmist has to say;
"Those who go to God Most High for safety will be protected by Almighty" (Psalm 91:1). "The Lord is your protection; you have made God Most High your place of safety" (Psalm 91:9). In other words, it is not your duty to know and master how the devil might attack you at night or during lunch hour, it is your duty to be in the Lord (actually, He keeps us in Himself). It is not our work to be wakeful day and night guarding against evil spirits, our work is to give praise to God, obey Him and His word and sleep lest assured Jesus shall protect us. That is the beauty of being in the Lord.
Our God does not expect us to win over devil or even sin before we can come to Him, He just needs us to go to Him and His grace and power shall take care of the rest. This does not call us to really do nothing, it calls us to do everything in the Lord.
Take home
You really do not have to master all those books and DVDs explaining about hell, Illuminati, evil clothes, songs, movies, body moves or language so as to defeat the devil, all you have to do is to master God and His word through your impeccable faith in His saving grace and love. Once you are in the Lord, you will easily take care of the rest. To be open, God shall take care of the rest for you, including sin and Satanic attacks. Are you in Jesus? Keep calm, He will protect you.
God bless you
The Complete You Ministry,
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